The result of technological innovation, Fleetpath BD offer Flexitank container is the ideal solution for shipping or supply of your liquid goods, whether food or not, with the exception of hazardous materials.
Fleetpath BD Flexitank container Service combines the advantages of the tank safety and respect for the integrity of the product (it goes beyond thanks to its flexible tank disposable) and benefits in terms of container cost and flexibility.
So Reduce your Shipping costs with Fleetpath BD technological innovation Flexitank solutions. ISO tank bring the need for return loads, long- term leasing agreements.
A Flexitank is a bladder or bag that can be fit into a standard ISO container and used for the transport and/or storage of a non-regulated liquid inside a cargo transport unit (container).
So far, Flexitanks cannot be used for the transportation of hazardous materials.Flexitanks are prepared using different types of materials..
Multilayer polyethylene
Single and double layer polyethylene
Barrier tanks
Bottom discharge
In Flexitank it is possible to transport almost any non-hazardous liquids, both for industrial use and food application, such as: food, edible and animal oils and fats, juices concentrates, juices, syrups, water, wine, food additives, pharmaceutical, oils, malt, sorbitol, industrial oils, additives, cleaning liquid, emulsions, glycerin, ink, fertilizers, latex, etc.
Advantages of using Flexitanks:
Flexitank is an alternative to tank-containers, railway or road tanks, drums, IBCs and other types of packagings.
You will significantly reduce expenses for transportation. In comparison with tank-container you will pay just for one way freight of the 20-foot container. There is no need to return container and pay for this.
You use Flexitank as packaging for the cargo. In comparison with cost of drums or other capacities you save about 30-40%.
You save up to 90% of time for stuffing/unstuffing of the cargo.
No need to clean Flexitank after transportation as it is disposable.
You reduce losses of a cargo during unloading. As comparison – losses during unloading from Flexitank are 0.1%, when during unloading from drums losses are 1%.
You will increase volume of a cargo for transportation. In comparison with the standard packaging as drums and canisters – volume can be increased up to 30%.
The cargo is delivered “door to door” without intermediate overloads.
• Dangerous Cargo is not permitted to be carried in Flexitanks.
• Flexitanks will be stuffed in 20’ DV containers only.
• Only one Flexitank in container is permitted.